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Remembering Winnicott: A Graphic Memoirist and a Psychoanalyst Discuss Creativity in Writing and Psychotherapy

Join us for this inspiring conversation with Guggenheim and MacArthur Fellow and award-winning graphic novelist Alison Bechdel and esteemed psychologist, psychoanalyst, and writer, Dr. Ken Corbett, as they discuss their personal reflections on the work of renowned British psychoanalyst, Donald. W. Winnicott. Our guests consider how co-creating meaning can help us feel vitality in living and as we face death. Through personal reflection and playful interaction, they share with us the lived experience of creative work.

About Our Guests

Ken Corbett


Ken Corbett is Clinical Assistant Professor at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He is the author of Boyhoods: Rethinking Masculinities and A Murder Over a Girl: Gender, Justice, Junior High. Dr. Corbett has a private practice in New York City.

Learn more about Dr. Corbett.



Alison Bechdel is a cartoonist. She is the creator of the Bechdel test, and her work includes the long-running comic strip “Dykes to Watch Out For”, as well as the graphic memoirs “Fun Home”, which has been adapted into a Tony award-winning Broadway play, and “Are You My Mother?” Bechdel is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and a MacArthur Fellowship. Her latest book, “The Secret to Superhuman Strength,” will be out in May.
Learn more about Alison Bechdel.